Dirty Ball

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Dirty Ball

Post by Doctorbob91 »

One of the leagues I bowl in is at "The Oldest Operating Bowling Alley in the Country".

The equipment is very old.... :lol:

At the end of the night, my balls are filthy dirty with belt marks, lane dust, etc.
I spend way too much cleaning them the next morning with spray cleaner and towel.
Is there a better way, such as soaking over night or something??

Posts: 4
Joined: March 8th, 2022, 2:58 pm
THS Average: 179
Positive Axis Point: 5 1/2 by 15/16 up
Speed: 14 mph pindeck
Rev Rate: 300
Axis Tilt: 6
Axis Rotation: 35
Heavy Oil Ball: Storm Incite
Medium Oil Ball: Hammer Black Widow 2.0 Hybrid
Light Oil Ball: Hammer Scorpion Sting
Preferred Company: Like them all!

Re: Dirty Ball

Post by rkundla »

I don't know if spraying a ball with cleaner and letting it sit for an hour would cause any issue with the coverstock. The longer you can keep the product on the dirty portions of the ball, the easier it is to remove the grime with a microfiber towel.

Not trying to shill a product, but CtD has a ball scrubber that is very similar to a 'magic eraser' that they use with their Life After Death product. I've tried using a generic magic eraser with other cleaners and it can cause it to deteriorate, so you have to be careful if you experiment. The magic eraser will cut through grime with light strokes if you lubricate it and the ball with cleaner. Excessive pressure with a magic eraser will abrade the ball and change the surface slightly, so beware.
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