So I know there is a score handicap where you take your average and divide and multiply etc. But I am wondering if there is any other handicap system in bowling? Like for instance only needing to knock down 8 pins to get a strike?
Handicap in bowling?
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Re: Hadicap in bowling?
I have seen some 'no tap' tournaments, where 9 pins down on the first ball counts as a strike. These are usually novelty tournaments as the result is not used to calculate an average or to determine ranking positions. I assume if the computer can be set to run a 9 pin no tap it can be set for 8 pin no tap.
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Re: Hadicap in bowling?
We've used no-tap for sweepers in a fun league just "for fun" (go figure!) - makes a fun day.
Really brought some of the old duffers in. One of the best memories of that was when my M-in-Law (who leaves 10-pins constantly) bowled no-tap handicap 308 and beat me.
Made her MONTH! 
Really brought some of the old duffers in. One of the best memories of that was when my M-in-Law (who leaves 10-pins constantly) bowled no-tap handicap 308 and beat me.

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Re: Handicap in bowling?
We have 9-pin no tap leagues in Ohio. Amateur bowlers seem to love it.
Re: Handicap in bowling?
First 8 or 9 No-Tap play which is common (and easily handled by most modern scoring equipment) is basically just used in "fun" Leagues/Tournaments and isn't exactly a handicapping system (in a way it is, but not what most would consider handicapping). In fact a lot of No-taps also use regular handicapping too.
As for "other" systems other than the individual system (Percentage of the difference between your average and a scratch base figure). The next most common would be the team difference system.
This is where the lower average team gets a percentage of the difference between their team average and the other teams average. Example: Team"A" has a 800 average, Team "B" has 700 average the difference is "100". Let's say the percentage is 90% that means team "B" would get 90 pins of handicap, Team "A" 0 pins.
While there may be some other system that could be used, These are the only ones typically used.
Some recurring tournaments also have a "Bonus" pin system, Where when you don't cash you earn extra pins handicap until you cash (bonus pins usually are limited to so many also)
Something to note, A lot of leagues use a drop rule this means for handicap purposes your average can't drop more than a specified number of pins below your entering average.(Ex. 10 pin drop rule: Your entering average is 200 and it drops to a 185. For handicap your average won't drop below 190).
Also some use a average "Cushion" this is where every bowler starts the league with a set number of pins that is added to their total pin which gives them a slightly higher average to start.
Individual handicapping system has a variation where the high average bowlers get negative handicap, But few to no leagues ever uses it.
These rules are mainly used to help prevent sandbagging.
Also Strictly speaking the USBC doesn't tell you what handicap system to use, Just how it have to be applied if you do use one.
"REMEMBER, it isn't how much the ball hooks, it's where."
Re: Handicap in bowling?
The best way to defeat sandbaggers is for your team to bowl their best every game of every session from the first. This forces your opponent to also bowl their best to win points. To do so, our team developed an incentive to achieve marks each frame by playing a card game based on Texas Hold'em which bonus cards were given for spares, strikes each frame. The high hand after 12 frames won the pot, which was 25 cents per team member. This small reward was enough to create the competitive spitit to finish in firdst place twich in three seasons.