Ball speed

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Posts: 77
Joined: April 8th, 2013, 6:26 pm
THS Average: 195
Positive Axis Point: 6 1/4 > 1/8^
Speed: 17
Rev Rate: 425
Axis Tilt: 8
Axis Rotation: 75
Medium Oil Ball: Misfit
Light Oil Ball: slingshot
Preferred Company: Brunswick
Location: Central Illinois

Ball speed

Post by Perrin »

I am posting the video for a teammate. We only only the back view but the main thing he is looking for is additional ball speed.

Right handed
Speed 17 (off hand)
Rev Rate ~425
Initial Axis Rotation 70
Initial Axis Tilt 10
PAP 6 1/4 over 1/8th up
rev dominant
Trusted Source
Trusted Source
Posts: 1440
Joined: August 1st, 2010, 1:45 pm
Positive Axis Point: 5 1/8" x 1/2" up
Speed: 16 mph @ foul line
Rev Rate: 230
Axis Tilt: 20
Axis Rotation: 50
Location: Florence, Ky

Re: Ball speed

Post by JMerrell »

Perrin wrote:I am posting the video for a teammate. We only only the back view but the main thing he is looking for is additional ball speed.
Work on pace of foot work.

Current pace
Slow, slow , slow, slow and slide

To increase ball speed change pace of footwork to:

Slow, slow, QUICK, QUICK, slide

When at first practicing the change think:

Slow, slow, RUN, RUN ,Slide
"Simplify the Motion.....Maximize the Results"
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